The Mermaids Chair and Pirates Chest

Mermaids Chair

         Truly, I am part mermaid! I spent my younger years in the pacific ocean almost every day, swimming and diving and dreaming. Or were those dreams? It seems to me every creaturely that humans say are imaginative are there just waiting to be seen. In fact, it was in the sea that I learned to swim and deal with the currents and waves and always felt safe, knowing that the creaturely guided me. The strangest thing is my taste for sea water, not a lot, just a taste, scooped up in my hand. It is a nectar of profound meaning deep within me, a bonding with the great surging luminous life of the sea.

         Now that I am older the sea within offers me unknown gifts, visions that I happily try to make pictures of. Happily because the imagination offers me light wondrous and sometimes humorous ideas. My drawings will never be grand enough, never. I share them with you, as a vehicle for the visions which are living and too great to be contained. They flow on, moving to touch others, inspire, to move you to your own endeavors. Do not be afraid to see what is in your own imagination and to try and draw it forth in your own pictures. Every attempt is worthy.

         The Mermaid Chair, Mermaids and a Treasure Chest

Mermaids Chair Craft Page

         The sketch and the original rough model for the Mermaid Chair and the tiny mermaid to sit on it, have been sitting on my drawing board for a year. It is important to get at least a sketch on paper no matter how messy. It is not important to make a perfect drawing. Just get part of the images down or they will slip right away, back into the sea.

Pirates Chest Crafts          So for a year this little chair and mermaid have been companion to me (she sings sometimes and swishes her snaky tail), and then an image of a little treasure chest arrived and I felt it was time to apply myself to the task.

         Yes! It is a task! This is where the work truly begins and then at some point must be called done, even though it can never be called, finished!

Sitting Mermaid
Sitting Mermaid
To color
Mermaids Chair
Mermaids Chair
Craft Project
Pirates Chest
Pirates Chest
Craft Project

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